I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee, Deimos Died)

I always get a real kick out of Marlena hypnotizing people. Tell me this isn’t ominous.

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“Yes, little boy, relax and let this woman who was once possessed by Satan pry into your subconscious…”

I did enjoy how they had them in matching outfits. You know, because hypnosis always works better when you color-coordinate. And while JJ was in that Tiger Woods for TJ Maxx polo…

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(Let’s pause a moment for that tricep.)

…Gabi was very subtly working the same color story whilst talking about how Halo made her think she might still be in love with him.

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Subtlety, thy name is not, and never will be, Days of Our Lives. But also, let’s look at this thing from the back.

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Honey, this is a complicated dress for the day after you got drugged at a party and had to deal with a murder and all this other shit. Have you ever heard of jeans? Or sweats? I would even turn a blind eye to a velour tracksuit under the circumstances.

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17 Comments on “I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee, Deimos Died)”

  1. UnderYourWing Says:

    color coordination of shitty outfits thou art a heartless bitch

  2. UnderYourWing Says:

    and oh, yes……always trust your feelings under the influence of…..god knows what.

  3. Melissa Says:

    What is up with all that royal blue? It has been going on for a while now and it is so distracting!

  4. UnderYourWing Says:

    you know which choice i vote for…..

  5. rustyspigot Says:

    Has Marlena’s hypnotizing ever helped a situation? Clearly, Marlena has worked on me as well because I don’t remember.

  6. Rebecca Says:

    All the royal blue was probably for Independence Day. I think Abe was the only one who wore anything close to red, though.

    Loved the “Let’s pause for a moment” comment.

  7. Simon Parris Says:

    Marlena hypnotizing Lani (with a room full of observers who didn’t go under) referred to Deimos’ murder as “last night” and yet Independence Day has come and gone in their lives in the meantime

    • mykleraus Says:

      But then Eric referred to it as “that night,” and JJ’s wearing the same clothes he wore when Marlena hypnotized him (which was definitely the day after), even though Marlena changed, and Hope/Rafe’s proposal seems to have taken place on the same day that Kayla and Tripp were wearing what they wore on the Fourth of July, sooooooo… my head just exploded.

  8. JoBean Says:

    Points for the 90’s-fabulous reference.

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