Tonight on ABC…

A little bit of self-promo… I co-wrote “Side Effects,” tonight’s episode of The Baker and the Beauty, airing at 10 p.m. on ABC.

As with all TV episodes, this one was a group effort — but I’m proud to have my name on this one, along with Christina Quintana (CQ), an incredibly talented writer and a dear friend. It’s been such a treat seeing people enjoy the show and to see a Latinx cast driving a primetime show this way!

It’ll also be available On Demand and on Hulu tomorrow!

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6 Comments on “Tonight on ABC…”

  1. Jamie Says:

    I love it! I think I’m still an episode behind, the last one I watched was I Think She’s Coming Out, which was so good! I love the cast!

    Congrats on the airing of your episode tonight!

    • mykleraus Says:

      Thank you!! So glad you’re enjoying it. And “I Think She’s Coming Out” was such a fun episode — it felt like the show really gelled in that one.

  2. Vickee Says:

    I enjoyed the show–so nice to see a strong Latino family dynamic!

  3. Fluffysmom Says:

    I’m two episodes behind. I’m looking forward to catching up. I’m really enjoying the show.

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